1. Start Taking ARVs. Get tested for HIV. If you are HIV+, start taking ARVs and visit the clinic as prescribed by your HCP.
2. Have your 1st viral load test to see if you are U=U. 3 months after starting ARVs your HCP will draw your blood for a viral load test.
3. Find out if you are U=U. 4 months after starting ARVs find out if you are U=U . Go to the clinic and your HCP will tell you if your test results show you are U=U.
4. Confirm you still are U=U. Keep taking your ARVs every day. Visit the clinic after another 6 months for a 2nd viral load test to see if you have kept U=U.
5. Stay U=U. Keep taking your ARVs every day. Have a viral load test every 12 months to ensure you stay U=U.